A Family Legacy
October 29, 2020
We’re a family-owned company. It’s one of the aspects of IES that sets us apart from the competition. Morgan and Miller Ingram, the daughter and son of Adam Ingram, have grown up with IES and have been part of the team all their lives.
“I’ve always been the first to brag about IES when people ask what my dad does for a living, and it’s not hard to brag on something you feel such a strong connection to,” says Morgan.
“One of my favorite memories, especially in the old building, is when Morgan and I would run around and ‘help’ assist packing kits,” says Miller. “We’d jump in the huge trash buggies and get pushed around. They’re a few memories that always stick out to me.”
Since our founding, we’ve expanded to 4 buildings, grown our team and customer base, added new services, and invested in technologies to better serve our clients.
“My dad has always worked very hard to be up-to-date with the newest technology and machinery,” says Morgan. “He’s always been futuristic, and what makes me excited is that we can keep pushing that. I think we’ve only seen the beginning of IES, and there’s much more to accomplish.”
“Over the last decade, we’ve seen IES grow,” says Miller. “Positioning ourselves in multiple industries and continuing to see it grow is exciting.”
The Future of IES
Being raised as the children of a small-business owner, the Ingrams have always been pushed to excel in academics, business education, and leadership opportunities. They’ve also been instilled with the belief that if they work hard, it’ll pay off and good things will come. And when looking ahead at career paths, IES is certainly on the horizon.
“I’ve always been interested in IES, and I’ve always wanted to be a part of the future,” says Morgan. “I’m just excited to see what technology comes about and what that can do to help IES become better in the future.”
As a family-owned Nashville business, we’re proud to have established ourselves as a dedicated team that local, national, and global clients can trust. We’re looking forward to continuing this legacy in the years to come.